Thursday, April 30, 2009

Office clutter suggestions

With spring in the air, it is the perfect time to reorganize your work space. Do you have a functional, beautiful work space that you want to go to everyday? Studies show that by having a space that is organized and provides ample room to work increases one's productivity.

Take a look at where you spend most of your time working? Answer these questions honestly:
- Do you have enough space to work?

- Is your work space covered in papers?

- Can you locate any folder, paper, file immediately? Could a coworker?

- Do you enjoy being in your work space?

- Can you find your computer? phone?

After you answer these questions, start to reevaluate your work space. How could you make it more functional and accessible to the important items that you need everyday? If you start to answer these questions and get overwhelmed, it is time to call in a designer to help you honestly assess the situation. The designer can offer design ideas and uncover unmet needs for your space. A professional designer will offer a complimentary consultation which will give a better idea of how to organize, file and bring a sense of peace to your space. Go to for more ideas on how have a beautiful, functional work space.

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