Showing posts with label routine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label routine. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fall into a Routine

When it comes to organization, developing a routine can be the key to success.
Below are a few quick tips that if done repeatedly can lead to an everyday organized lifestyle.

1. Plan ahead - Choose your clothes for the next day the night before.

2. Go through your mail daily and divide it into separate categories* Action required
(Pay, call, RSVP)* File* Shred and toss (keep a shredder near your waste/recycle)

3. Invest in a custom organizational system complete with a built-in jewelry drawer, laundry
basket or ironing board (select from dozens of accessories!)

4. If it's dirty-throw it in the hamper! Get your family accustomed to this routine and finding
favorite pieces might get a little easier

5. Designate a space for everything. Start with the essentials (keys, ties,earrings, belts, etc).