Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall time=purge time

Fall is the time of year that makes you want to start the preparations for staying inside where it is warm. The winter chill will soon be in the air and hot chocolate, fires in the fire place and warm fuzzy blankets draped over the coach will be a fixture in homes.

Kids move all their play time inside and mom's can no longer say ride your bike (to wear off that excess energy) outside, giving moms a small moment of piece.

That reminds me of my Fall ritual which always helps to make the coming winter months a little more bearable.

  1. Move all the summer clothes out to other closets or to the back of the closet space.
  2. Clean out the kids clothes, starting with last years winter clothes that may no longer fit or are worn and give to a charity or bring to a resale shop
  3. Start clearing out the pantry - Are you ever going to use those noodles that fell to the back of the cabinet?
  4. Go through book shelves and the kids room to donate books that either are not worth keeping (will you ever read it again?) or the kids have out grown (preschools love donations of books for younger kids).
  5. Time to move the bikes, floats,  sports equipment and all other summer items to the cabinets or in the attic. Pull out the snow shovels, sleds and other winter sports.

Now that everything has it's place, it is time to embrace the winter.

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